Meal Prep Monday #002
An AWESOME Tool To Help Prep
If only we actually utilized all the tools that we had available!! There is so much at our fingertips but it is sometimes hard to know where to even start looking. I am ALWAYS on the look out for tools to simplify life. I found this amazing FREE App Mealime a while back and I LOVE it!!! I have no connection with Mealime, I am just sharing it. You can get it as a FREE App and they also have a website.
Becoming a Ninja in the kitchen takes time and practice and I love sharing all that I have learned over the years! From healthy eating on a budget to grocery shopping tips, to simple meal plans and so on, it’s a never ended journey of learning. BUT it is one thing to learn and find all these tools but its another thing to actually implement! Yes, it may take some work to step outside your comfort zone and try something new but I promise, once you do, you will NOT regret it!
In my video below I share all that the app does. For example, here are the different diets it can accommodate: Classic (no limitations), Flexitarian (easy on meat), Low Carb, Paleo, Pescetarian (vegetarian + seafood), Vegetarian. It also allows you to input your allergies, dislikes and meal size!! The BEST thing about this is that it generates a shopping list based on the meals that it creates for you!! If they generate a recipe that you really enjoy, you can add it to your “favorites”. So cool!!!
With everything in life being somehow related to technology, this just makes sense and it keeps everything in one place for you. No more forgetting your grocery list. No more not having any good ideas for healthy meals. It is all right there for you!!!
I have lots of other tools available in my private online accountability groups. Click here to reach for more info on how to to join!
Much Love,
Coach KMA