Office Snacking

How much time do you spend at work? You probably have breakfast as you are running out the door. You most likely spend more time on making sure your kids have lunches packed and you grab what is left over. What happens during the midmorning and midafternoon when you feel like you are running on empty? Having some snacks in your desk or office could be the key to surviving the day with good choices instead of quick sugar rushes and caffeine binge runs.
Get ready to stock up on some mid-day essentials. Locate a good cooler or find that insulated lunch bag in your house. Taking some good choices with you will limit the chance of having something you might regret.
Here’s a list of some healthy snack choices.
- Unsalted Nuts – Mixed nuts are great to have on hand.
- Fruit – Go your favorite fruits like bananas, apples, pears, and blueberries.
- Tuna Pouches – stores have great single size packs of tuna now for a quick protein snack.
- Hard-Boiled Eggs – Make these ahead of time for a quick snack!
- Single Servings of Cheese – You know those individual packs of cheese.
- Roasted Chickpeas – You have got to try these!
- Homemade Granola – There are a lot of recipes so do it yourself at home.
- Whole-Grain Crackers – These are excellent to have around and can be eaten in moderation.
- Avocados – The “Good Fat” benefits you and can also be a great thing to spread on your crackers.
- Hummus – A great dip for the veggies or the crackers!
- Veggies – broccoli, celery, radishes, peppers, and cucumbers are good ideas.
- Peanut Butter – You can get individual packets and use this on crackers, fruit, or veggies.
Having a list of healthy snacks is much better for you than that vending machine or a quick drive to the convenience store. Make a plan to get some healthy office snacks.